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Avivet is an effective water-soluble antibiotic that has been developed for the treatment of different types of bacterial diseases in birds and pigeons. It is made up of vitamins that aids in speeding up the recuperating process after suffering from a disease. It is suitable for birds and pigeons with minimal side effects. But this treatment is not effective against Chlamydia psittaci (Psittacosis).
Avivet contains a high proportion of Amoxicillin antibiotic that exclusively assists in treating life-threatening infections of the lungs and guts encompassing E. Coli and Salmonella. It is made up of supreme quality of supplements and vitamins that assist birds to recover quickly after affected by the disease. The powdered treatment has been composed in such a way that birds and racing pigeons regain their strength rapidly after taking the powder. It is one of the best treatments for birds and racing pigeons in our country.
Each 100g contains:
Amoxycillin 40 g
Vit A 2000 I.U,
Vit B1 2 mg
Vit B2 10 mg
Vit B6 2 mg
Vit B12 4.8 mg
Vit C 20 mg
Vit E 20 mg
Vit K3 2 mg
Niacin 20 mg