Excessive Dog Scratching and What to Do About it

Scratching and licking are considered normal behavior in dogs as they are grooming or tending to a minor inconvenience by themselves. However, if you notice your dog scratching excessively, there’s surely a problem that you need to address promptly.
This blog will cover the common reasons for compulsive itching in dogs and what you can do to relieve them. We’ll also touch upon some effective preventive measures so stick till the end.
Let’s get started.
Common Causes of Itching in Dogs
This segment covers the common reasons your dog may be scratching excessively.
Parasite bites
Parasite bites are the most common reason for itching in your dog. These parasites include fleas, ticks, and mites. You can see ticks with the naked eye but fleas might go unnoticed until the signs of infestation appear. This causes your dog to compulsively lick, scratch, or chew the infected area.
Another common reason your dog may be experiencing itching is that it is suffering from an allergy. These allergies can be seasonal or because of other factors, for instance, environmental allergies caused by an allergen like mold or pollen. They can also get allergies by coming in contact with substances like soap or pesticides.
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Dry skin
Itching and dry skin can go hand in hand. There are several factors that can cause dry skin in your dog from the environment to the deficiencies in their body. Some processed food can also have an adverse effect on the skin, making it dry and hence causing itching.
Anxiety or boredom
When we humans feel anxious we bite our nails or twirl our hair, similarly, dogs also respond to their psychological distress. When they are alone for a long time or experience a sudden shock, they tend to lick, chew, or itch out of anxiety.
Skin infection
If you see your dog itching and there are no signs of fleas or ticks, it’s most probably due to a bacterial or fungal infection. These infections are very irritating for dogs and have itching as a common symptom. Constant licking, chewing, or scratching worsens the infection or spreads it.
If your dog is consistently licking & scratching but you don’t notice any of the above causes, it may be an indication of physical pain. See if they are focused on a specific spot. They might be hurt or something is disturbing them.
What You Can Do for Your Itchy Dog
Now that you know the common causes, here’s what you can do to relieve your dog.
Take your pet to the vet
If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, the best course of action is to take your dog to the vet. The vet will make a proper diagnosis and suggest the most effective treatment.
Parasite control
Since fleas and ticks are the most common reason for scratching in dogs, it’s best to administer a parasite control treatment. There are several treatments available like Nexgard, Bravecto, Simparica Chewable, Seresto Collar, etc. These have different modes of action and effectiveness so consult your vet before selecting one for your dog.
Prevent behavior
When the dog is itching due to fungal or bacterial infection, constant licking or scratching can worsen the infection. For this, you can use a bitter solution like Avert Bitter Solution which keeps your dog from biting and licking the wound. If it is due to seasonal allergies and skin irritation, you can use an itch relief solution like the Homeo-pet Skin and Itch Relief.
Changing foods
If your dog shows an allergic reaction to any food; try upgrading the quality or changing the food. Eliminating potential allergic food from your dog’s diet will show considerable improvement. Also, some dogs are allergic to special protein types, so try changing that.
Sometimes, compulsive dog scratching and licking is in response to boredom, fear, or anxiety and it’s crucial to address it. Introduce a gradual training regime and games or walks to give them the required physical stimulation. For anxiety, you can give Anxiety TFLN as this solution is effective in calming your pet when they are feeling anxious.
Preventive Measures
Follow these preventing measures to keep your doggo from unnecessary scratching:
- Follow a regular pest control treatment or get a tick & flea collar.
- Maintain a regular grooming routine to take care of their skin.
- Avoid hair dryers on high heat when grooming or at the grooming center.
- Provide fresh water and keep them hydrated to soothe their itchy skin.
- Give your dog moist food especially if they have dry skin.
Ending Words
So there you have it, these were the common reasons your dog might be scratching excessively. We also covered the most efficient steps you can take to give your beloved pet relief. The products we covered in the blog are effective in their respective use; however, it’s crucial to consult your vet before going ahead with any of them.